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Erasmus MC Graduate School viert 1-jarig bestaan

1 mei 2023

Sinds een jaar zijn onze bestaande en nieuwe Research Masters en PhD-trajecten georganiseerd binnen Erasmus MC Graduate School. Wat de diverse opleidingen en trajecten verbindt is de betrokkenheid bij de studenten, met veel persoonlijke begeleiding en ruimte voor eigen initiatief. In de maand mei viert Erasmus MC Graduate School feest.


Erasmus MC Graduate School offers Research Master’s and PhD education to train future world-class researchers in clinical, health science and/or biomedical fields in a stimulating environment. Students and PhD candidates are challenged to pursue their interests. They receive guidance from committed supervisors and set up their own research. This helps them develop into self-reliant and autonomous scientists driven by curiosity. Thinkers who act. 

The one-year anniversary is a celebratory moment for Erasmus MC Graduate School. Research master students, PhD candidates, lecturers, supervisors and teaching assistants are invited to celebrate on the 15th of May. They will receive an email with the invitation.


Maarten Frens, pro-dean of education: ‘Over the past year, we have worked hard to join forces. Each Research Master has its strengths. In addition, the Graduate School has developed new PhD programs. By working together on content and organization, we are improving the programs. We are also looking into strengthening our education within the Convergence with Erasmus University Rotterdam and Delft University of Technology.’  

Ga hier naar de nieuwe website van de Erasmus MC Graduate School